Development Therapy, LLC

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Recognizing Signs Your Child Could Benefit from Social Skills

Recognizing Signs Your Child Could Benefit from Social Skills Introduction: Social skills are a vital aspect of a child’s development, impacting their ability to form relationships and navigate various social situations. For some children, challenges in social interactions may arise, affecting their understanding of body language, interpretation of peer behavior, and empathy. In this blog...

The Road to Self-Regulation

The Road To Self-Regulation Introduction: As parents, one of the most valuable gifts you can offer your child is the ability to self-regulate. Self-regulation encompasses various essential skills, including emotional regulation, interoception, environmental modification, frustration tolerance, self-esteem, self-awareness, impulse control, and coping skills. In this comprehensive guide, we will...

Cultivating Fine Motor Skills for School Success

Cultivating Fine Motor Skills for School Success As the school year begins, parents and caregivers play a crucial role in setting their children up for success. One often overlooked aspect of a child’s development that can significantly impact their academic journey is fine motor skills. These skills are essential for tasks such as writing, drawing, … Cultivating Fine Motor Skills...

Laying the Cornerstone: The Vital Role of Emotional Identification in Your Child’s Journey to Self-Regulation

Laying the Cornerstone: The Vital Role of Emotional Identification in Your Child’s Journey to Self-Regulation Introduction: Within childhood development, the ability to self-regulate emotions is a precious skill that sets the stage for lifelong well-being. As parents and occupational therapists, we recognize that the first step on this transformative journey is teaching children emotional...

Helping Children Sit Still During Mealtimes: Sensory Strategies for Improved Focus and Engagement

Helping Children Sit Still During Mealtimes: Sensory Strategies for Improved Focus and Engagement Introduction: As an occupational therapist, I understand the challenges that parents face when their child struggles to sit still during mealtimes. It can be frustrating and concerning, but it’s important to recognize that this behavior might be linked to sensory processing issues. …...

Navigating Excessive Reactions: Understanding Your Child’s Responses to Winning and Losing Games – An Occupational Therapy Perspective

Navigating Excessive Reactions: Understanding Your Child’s Responses to Winning and Losing Games – An Occupational Therapy Perspective Introduction: In the context of occupational therapy, family games hold immense potential for fostering growth and development in children. However, some parents may be hesitant to engage in these games due to concerns about their child’s...

Does Your Child Have Difficulty Keeping Their Hands to Themselves? Exploring the Sensory Components Affecting Social Interactions

Does Your Child Have Difficulty Keeping Their Hands to Themselves? Exploring the Sensory Components Affecting Social Interactions Introduction As parents, we often observe our children’s behavior and wonder why they have difficulty keeping their hands to themselves, especially in social situations. While it is not uncommon for children to be curious and tactile in their … Does Your...

Why Does My Child Not Play With Peers: Tips and Tricks to Improve Social-Emotional Development

Why Does My Child Not Play With Peers? Tips and Tricks to Improve Social-Emotional Development Introduction: As an occupational therapist, you understand the crucial role that social-emotional development plays in a child’s overall well-being and future success. It can be concerning when a child observes their peers without actively engaging or consistently requires adult assistance …...

Sensory Development and Age-Appropriate Skills: An Occupational Therapy Perspective

🔸🔹🔸 Sensory Development and Age-Appropriate Skills: An Occupational Therapy Perspective 🔸🔹🔸 Did you know that sensory skills play a vital role in children’s development? As an occupational therapist, I am passionate about helping children build self-regulation and age-appropriate skills through sensory integration.   Understanding Sensory Processing: Sensory processing refers to how the...